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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


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I am alone since my mother and other siblings went on vacation to Cebu and Bohol 2 weeks ago. I can’t go with them since I am suffering from this eczema, exposure to sunlight can trigger this. They will be gone for a month. I made myself busy in online activities.

Actually I am not all alone; They left me with Sandy, Karen, Vivian and Mingae. Oops!, they are not human beings. They are dogs. Sandy is the mother with 2 daughters Karen and Vivian; we named them after the role played by Maricar Reyes and KC Concepcion in Lovers in Paris; they were born during that air time. They are Japanese breed dogs. Mingae is our tiger look-a-like cat.

A week ago, Karen delivered 3 cute puppies. I need to take care all of them.

Now, I am not relax and free as you could imagine because I need to cook and feed for them. They are like human beings; they ate 3 times a day. If I don't feed at the right time, all noise and destruction of things around like breaking the pot of plants, biting slippers and other stuff will be done to catch my attention to give their desire. They know exactly it is time to eat.

Mingae will not eat without a viand. So, I need to buy a kilo of fish and flavored to cook. Sometimes I need to open a can of sardines.

I feel like a dog, what they eat is what I ate also, or vice versa; the food I served is not left overs, it is freshly cook supposedly for human consumption, so obviously we eat the same food. Anyway, dogs are men's best friend.

Tending them is so much fun but with little caution with my skin condition, animal dander and fur may worsen it.

Life is full of responsibilities – I know this will over much too soon.

1 comment:

  1. Very fun with these little dogs:))I can not have pets because I am allergic but I have many plush toys:)
    Thank you for writing this beautiful journal.
    Good lick and continue !
